Slab Leak Repair and Detection in Claremont

Is your Claremont household suffering from slab leaks? These types of leaks are much harder to detect, and can leave homeowners worried about damages to their homes! For all slab leak repair and detection needs, call up the expert team at The Original Plumbing Company!

What is a Slab Leak?

Slab leaks are a lesser-known form of leak that many may not know about. Slab leaks develop in water pipes found right underneath the typical home. Because of the leaks’ location under the home, these types of leaks can end up causing some heavy damage. This is why maintenance and additional support from a professional plumbing technician is needed if you suspect your home is suffering from a slab leak.

Can a Slab Leak Cause a Foundation Problem?

Yes, unfortunately, slab leaks can cause foundation problems for your home. If ignored and left unaddressed for too long, a slab leak can create sufficient damage to the structural integrity of your home, as well as to its foundation. Don’t leave slab leak needs to be ignored until it’s too late. Call us, we’ve been providing slab leak services for more than 40 years!

Slab Leak Detection

Slab leaks are much more difficult to notice and detect than any other leak would be. Because these leaks develop underneath your home, they are not plainly visible to anybody. However, there’s no need to worry. Many slab leaks will be able to give off a few indications within your home, so you can be alerted to possible leaks happening underneath for further intervention and repairs.

Signs of a Slab Leak

Is there a slab leak underneath your home? Signs of a slab leak homeowners should keep an eye out for include:

  • There’s a random increase in your water bill that can’t be explained
  • There’s an unusual hot spot on your floor or in a specific single room that is humid or warm
  • Your home’s perimeter is surrounded by standing water moss or mud
  • There are cracks in the walls and ceilings of your home
  • There is the sound of water running even when all your fixtures are turned off


Other Leak Detection Tips

If you have a slab leak in your home, there’s already trouble. More leaks elsewhere can create even bigger problems. This is why it’s important to detect other leaks quickly. How can you possibly detect other types of leaks besides slab leaks? Keep an eye out for other warning signs that may tell you of leaks within your home, such as:

  • An unusually high water bill
  • Wet spots that aren’t caused by your family pet
  • An overwhelming musty odor in your home that won’t go away
  • Constant water flowing or dripping, even if your fixtures are tightly shut off

Premier Leak Detection Service From a Professional Leak Detection Company

The Original Plumbing Company provides plumbing services in an expert and efficient manner. We will detect leaks as soon as possible, using state-of-the-art equipment and refined techniques. There’s no leak we can’t find and fix, which is why Claremont residents trust us!

Problems with Slab Leaks, Water Leaks, and Plumbing Leaks?

Any kind of leak can wreak havoc on your home. Don’t leave these leaks unaddressed. Call The Original Plumbing Company for help with slab leaks and any other plumbing leaks as soon as possible!

Dealing with Foundation Slab Leaks, Water Leaks, and Repairing Leaking Pipes

Our professional plumbing technicians will get to work helping fix up any leaks that are causing trouble in your home. Don’t leave your home at risk for further foundation damage from slab leaks, and further destruction to pipes from other leaks. Let our experts handle the problem.

If you’re dealing with slab leaks and other leak problems in Claremont, don’t go with just any company. Give The Original Plumbing Company a call for the most expert advice and solutions!